This year, the Magic Line solidarity walk will be quite different due to the sanitary situation and restrictions caused by Covid-19 pandemic. However, from the Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu they are working to keep it as special as in previous years. This time, the Magic Line app, designed and developed by Basetis, will become the epicenter of the 2021 edition.
Here’s how the app has evolved and what new features are included in this year’s version!
Basetis, ‘friends’ of the Magic Line
For a few years now, Basetis has been collaborating with the Magic Line designing, improving and updating their application. Thanks to our involvement, we are now partners in this great social cause!
De la motivació d’un equip de Basetis a la creació de l’App Magic Line
Our relationship with the Magic Line is very special and dates back to 2017, three years after the first solidarity walk. Initially, Basetis participated in the Magic Line as a company, raising funds through internal activities and forming a team to take part in the solidarity walk. In 2018, after reaching the finish line, the participants of the Basetis team thought that the relationship with the Magic Line could go further and that as Basetis we could use our technological knowledge to add synergy to the project. And… so we did! A few days later, we contacted Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu team to suggest the creation of an application for the Magic Line altruistically. That’s how Basetis started working side by side with the SJD to promote the app of the Magic Line. In addition, this project involved two interns who are still working with us today and who are in charge of updating the app, among other projects.
Photo: The Basetis team at the Magic Line 2018
How has the app evolved?
In 2018, the application’s design process began together with the Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu. Basetis started working on developing the platform using native technologies. In 2019, the first version of the app was launched, which was available in the cities of Barcelona, Mallorca and Valencia. It had a rather informative role and consisted of a home page with interesting content about Magic Line, a carousel of news linked to the website, and a map to check the different routes available for the walk in each city. In 2020, we made small updates to the app in order to improve its performance and get it ready for that edition. However, the arrival of Covid-19 only allowed the Magic Line to take place in Barcelona, while Mallorca and Valencia had to cancel their solidarity walk in 2020.

Image: Earlier versions of the Magic Line app
Covid-19 won’t stop the 2021 edition!
The arrival of the pandemic meant that the operation of the Magic Line had to be completely reconsidered. After thinking it over, Basetis proposed to go further and take advantage of the potential of the application for 2021. Finally, the Magic Line has opted for the app to be the central pillar of this edition!
Over the last few months, Basetis has been working and developing new features and tools that will keep the essence of the Magic Line alive.
Image: Magic Line 2021 app screens
The new version of the app includes:
- The registration of users and teams. Haven’t you signed up yet?
- An algorithm developed by the Basetis’ artificial intelligence team, which is used to suggest routes that avoid possible congestion, depending on the location, start time and preferences of each participant. This algorithm estimates the real-time location of each team, according to their speed and time of departure. Based on the estimated locations, the algorithm evaluates the possibility of crossing other walkers on the common parts of the routes, and the algorithm modifies the route to avoid geographical and temporal coincidences between teams. In addition to creating safe routes, the algorithm is also able to automatically include interesting tourist waypoints along the routes, always avoiding the risk of coincidence with other participants. In this way, the app of the Magic Line suggests personalized routes which observe the current sanitary measures and that minimize the risk of contagion during the walk.
- A team finder, which gives some gamification to the app, as it allows those who registered to see other teams’ routes and contributions, and can encourage a healthy competition.
- Animation of the solidarity walk in virtual format. This year, as each team can decide from where to start, a video of the start of the walk and the arrival at the finish line ceremonies will be broadcast on the app. It will be full of surprises!
- The total distance covered by each team, so that at the end of the day we will count the kilometers achieved among all participants in the Magic Line. Will it reach the moon?
- A sponsor section where you can see a list of contributors to the Magic Line in Barcelona, Mallorca and Valencia.
- Push notifications to keep everyone informed about what’s new in the Magic Line. If you don’t want to miss them, turn them on!
Thanks to you!
A special mention should be made of all those in Basetis who have participated in the Magic Line application project, as this year’s solidarity walk would not have been possible without their involvement.
- Management: Albert Mialet (external management, customer contact), Jessica Hernández (internal management, Scrum master, customer contact) and Julián Zaragoza (management of TPV credentials with redsys).
- Design: Bibiana Boix (registration design), Vicky García-Romeral (onboarding design) and Jessica Hernández (new map, profile/search engine, sponsors, registration adaptations).
- IA module development: Payman Mosaffa
- App development
- iOS: Isha Noor, Sebastián Fornelli, Sergi Hurtado, Jessica Hernández, Juan Colilla
- Android: Andrey Melnikov, Marta Altarriba, Guillem Pejó and Marc Widmer
- Technical support: Julian Zaragoza (Android / Redsys), Iris Serrano (Android), Andrea Serrano (Android) and Isaac Martínez (iOS).
As you can see, this year Basetis’s commitment to the Obra Social de Sant Joan de Déu is at its highest level. The bond we have with the Magic Line is very special and enriching and is a clear example that our talent and technological knowledge have great potential for social transformation!