Thanks to the solidarity of the people of Basetis we have managed to raise €115 for the Life of Games and Toys project. Then Basetis has decided to triple this figure and add 345 € more to the cause, raising the final contribution to 460 €! A super grain of sand to make a more sustainable world through the story ‘Tom goes to the Toy Hospital’ of the Espai Ambiental Cooperativa!


The Espai Ambiental Cooperativa

The organisation works with different action programmes linked to sustainability and responsible consumption, such as workshops on alternative toy consumption, aimed at parents. In this way they detected the need for an activity more focused on children and so the story ‘Tom goes to the Toy Hospital’ was born, which tells the adventures of a teddy bear with the aim of raising awareness and sensitising the youngest children about responsible toy consumption.


What motivated me to make the donation?

When I saw that they were running a campaign to raise funds to publish a book with the aim of raising awareness among children about responsible toy consumption, I didn’t hesitate to participate and share it with Basetis to give them a hand. Many of us are aware of the excess of new toys that children have nowadays and that is why I think it is important to show them the importance of consuming responsibly from an early age. To find out more about what this project involves and the values it promotes, you can see the ‘Responsible Toy Consuming Families’ manifesto.

Apart from the project itself, I follow the activity of this cooperative so that I share all its values such as socio-environmental and solidarity economy, proximity, participation and networked action or the culture of urban social and environmental sustainability.

I’m a big fan of its lines of action, such as community composting or renaturalising cities, which, among other projects, includes the landscaping of tree wells and Park(ing) Day Barcelona, where the participating collectives temporarily transform public car parking spaces into parks and gardens.


enjardinament d'escocells


If you like this idea of a city, I encourage you to take a look at the cooperative’s website. They are eager to grow and to bring their projects to other neighbourhoods in Barcelona so that neighbourhood collaboration in activities continues to grow.

Thank you very much to everyone!


Photographs: Espai Ambiental Cooperativa